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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Last week we were doing our speeches for student council and
I'm running for every thing and I'm hoping to get school captain.
Next week we have our Christmas concert.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This Friday I'm running at QEII wiht lots of other people.
The book parade was today.
This friday we also have Gala Day because last Friday
it was too wet to play Soft-ball.
On that day we played celebrity heads and we did a
little bit of work.
Our garden has been growing very well.
A few weeks ago some of the vegtables got
pulled out. Thankfully we were able to replant
them and they are now growing again.
In 2 weeks from today we have our school camp yay!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Athletics carnival

On Friday the 18th of June we had our athletics carnival .
I competed in three races 100m ,200m and 800m .
In the 100m i came 3rd Chloe and Steph bet me!
And in the 200m i came 3rd as well also because
Chloe and Steph bet me!
In the 800m i came 7th.
I also think that it was pretty well organised
with all the races and the long jump and shot put.
It was very fun!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

family history

My family was pretty hard to trace back because
my last name is spelt three different ways
and it is pronounced three diferent ways.
I thought it was pretty fun because i learnt a little bit more about
WWI and WWII and some of Australia's important things.

Monday, May 17, 2010

cross country

A couple of weeks ago we had our cross country.
I really didn't want to get i the districts so i jogged with Ellie
she had a sore back anyway. For the cross country the grade 6 and 7
had to do 1 lap of the oval then go out the gate and do 2 laps of the
block and then come back into the oval and run to the finish line.

gala day

Last Friday we had our last gala day for soccer.
My team won one game against junior 2.
We also played against Edens Landing.
This time we went to Chris Green.
On our other gala day's we did awesome!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

week 8

This week we are having our Gala Day this Friday
because last week the soccer field was wet.
Lately we have been doing allot of maths like lots
of division and decimals.
can't wait till Gala Day yay!!!!!